KA1 Sustain 4 Youth
Nº 2021-2-ES02-KA152-YOU-000040553
KA1 SUSTAIN 4YOUTH “El turismo sostenible y la resiliencia del turismo en Europa” took place in Madrid from the 28th of May to the 2nd of June 2023. Its main idea is to spread the EU values of sustainable tourism and resilience after Covid19 by showing young people what sustainable tourism really is and how enjoyable it is to be a responsible tourist while travelling.
This day highlights the importance of sustainable tourism, a framework to inspire travellers and the tourism industry as a whole to support goals that include protecting the environment, mitigating climate change, minimising plastic consumption. With this project, we want to support an open and intercultural dialogue between young participants from different countries, allowing them to share stories, experiences and thoughts on the current situation.