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Introduction of the participants


Leaders presented in 5-10 minutes their organisation and local communities

they are working in.Then, participants presented themselves using the "personal shield".



Mercado de la Cebada


Participants visited a local market to see what is on sale what the typical products are and a vendor explained the origin of products.Everyone encouraged to shop at the market and to boost the local economy  in this way.

90 minutes of tour



Walking tour around Madrid


A walking tour was given by an expert local guide full of Q&A session and discussions.We visited the. Circle de Bellas rAtes de Madrid and its spectacular terrace.We enjoyed the exhibitions and then we had leisure time at the terrace with the best view and photos!

60 minutes 





Fears and Expectations


Each participant received post-its (yellow and blue) and everyone wrote their expectations on the yellow post and their fees on the blue ones9 as many as they wanted).They stuck them on two different walls in the meeting room. We were checking daily how much their expectations were met and their fears were avoided.In order to establish the rules of the group we had brainstorming all together. 



Reflection about the Covid situation


We discussed about how everyone felt under COVID-19 situation and how they were feeling at that moment that they could travel again. A large board is prepared and the participants wrote their opinion in different colours and displayed to the other.

(Templo de Debod, 90 minutes)



Introduction to Sustainable Tourism


MAD for Europe coordinators gave an introduction to sustainable tourism in Madrid.They talked about respecting the environment, taking alternative routes, using alternative means and also buying from locals.They asked the participants about their experiences with sustainability and their  perspectives.We watched videos about sustainability and sustainable activities while travelling and we shared events, reflections and ideas.Participants asked to share their views on sustainability.



Creation of a Virtual Tour


Before the start of the project MAD for Europe created a Facebook page.In groups of 4 to 6 people a small virtual tour of the city of madrid created.Each group of the walking tour, during the previous activity of the 2nd day, had taken photos and videos of Madrid, not only of emblematic places but also of small flashes, small streets, buildings and monuments that had caught their attention.

Centre of Madrid, 120 minutes


Creation of a Logo


The participants divided into groups and asked to be represented by different logos of Olympics.They used only recyclable materials and they had to create a poster on a subject of sports: the most creative one was chosen as the official Logo of the Project!



Interaction with the community and the local businesses in Madrid


The owners or managers of typical shops of Madrid gave short explanations of  what they do, where the products come from and why they are sunstainable.At the same time the participants took videos and  photos so that they could write an article/essay or edit a video or make a report for the final dissemination of the project.

Centre of Madrid, 90 minutes



Orienting through Madrid


Before the start of the project MAD for Europe created a Facebook page.In groups of 4 to 6 people a small virtual tour of the city of madrid created.Each group of the walking tour, during the previous activity of the 2nd day, had taken photos and videos of Madrid, not only of emblematic places but also of small flashes, small streets, buildings and monuments that had caught their attention.

Centre of Madrid, 120 minutes


Tell your experience


A presentation made of photos, videos and articles that the participants had been taking during all the days of the project, with the idea of creating a final video for publishing it on websites and social networks.

Retiro Park, 120 minutes


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