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KA1 Agenda 2030

Sustainable Development Goals



No 2022-1-ES02-KA152-YOU-000063470

KA1 Youth Exchange under the umbrella of Erasmus Plus Programm

Youth exchange "Agenda 2030, Sunstainable Development Goals" aimed to offer young people a space for learning and international coexistence in which the 2030 Agenda is the central theme. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which seek equality among people, protect the planet and ensure prosperity, are key to building a more open, tolerant, peaceful and inclusive society and, therefore, a more democratic one.

















The objectives of this project are as follows:

- To understand what the Sustainable Development Goals are.

- To promote the dissemination of the 2030 Agenda among young people.

- To highlight the global importance of the goals in order to achieve a better future.

- To build a space for reflection on the importance of the 2030 Agenda.

- To increase the feeling of European citizenship among young people.

- Promote tolerance, mutual understanding and dialogue between young people of different nationalities.

- Promote European values among participants.



Participants: 48 young people (18-25 years old) and group leaders

Partners of the project: 
Spain: MAD for Europe (host organization)
France: Parcours Le Monde

Portugal: EPROMAT 
Italy: ITALY for EU 
Romania: Liceul Tehnologic Nicolae Balcascu 
Greece: Professional European

Sweden: Sweden Youth League 
Bulgaria: Walk Together Bulgaria 





—this phrase was the guiding principle of world leaders of 193 countries in solving the most pressing problems of today. This was also actually the official motto set by the United Nations (UN) for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Poverty.



The main activity of the Youth Exchange were held 17-22 of September 2023.




Madrid, Spain

Venue: Scout Hostel Madrid located in the Moratalaz district








 Project's Leaflet

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!


MAD for Europe

Cultural Services and International Mobility

Calle de Carranza, 25, 28004 Madrid, Spain

 (+34) 91 041 38 84

«The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.»

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