Sustainable Development Goals

Nº 2022-1-ES02-KA152-YOU-000063470
17- 22 September 2023, Madrid
Partners Team
Partners of the project:
Spain: MAD for Europe (coordinator)
MAD for Europe is a non-profit association, active in the labour market and in the fields of Education, Training and Youth Culture. Their paths are focused on social work and voluntary services, education, training and promotion of new technologies, culture and art. They realize that their goal is the educational and professional growth of the person, whether young or old, for this we have great experience.
Among their functions you can find the management and implementation of projects in order to encourage citizen participation, European mobility, youth exchanges, the realization of a wide range of specialized training courses, support for young unemployed, reintegration of people with inclusion problems in their society, language training and the promotion of the artistic and historical heritage.
MAD for Europe organizes different Youth Exchanges under Erasmus+ KA1 Youth and contributes to achieve its goal of reaching a quality education level through non-formal education, the exchange of best practices, mobility and intercultural learning in European and non-EU countries.
Thanks to this exchanges MAD for Europe promotes an educational concept of youth expression, develop of their sense of responsibility and autonomy and build a small area of peace, dialogue and solidarity among nations.
Latvia: MIHI Make It Happen Infinity
MIHi is an NGO that is designed to empower youth and take them out of their comfort zone to explore new possibilities for personal development. They are engaged in youth exchange, education, cultural and social training, language training, volunteering, environmental rights, and development work, especially focusing on the mobility of youth.
France: Parcours Le Monde
The Union of Mobility Facilitators is an association born in 2017 from the common desire of Parcours le Monde (PLM) territorial associations to develop international mobility and intercultural dialogue at the national level. It thus contributes to offering a space to pool, capitalize, develop and share: tools, skills, work practices, pedagogical methods, projects.
This network, committed to common advocacy, works in different areas to promote, promote and strengthen:
International mobility
Intercultural dialogue
Active citizenship
Youth (its emancipation and autonomy)
Social and professional integration
Formal and non-formal education.
Portugal: EPROMAT
EPROMAT offers vocational courses for youngsters in several areas like Multimedia, Digital Marketing, Tourism, Window dressing and IT Net Management. We also have adult courses. As we are a vocational school in all of our courses, students have a training period in real companies. EPROMAT students have an opportunity to improve and acquire new knowledge´s and skills giving them the chance to contact with new forms of work organization as well as to broaden their professional, personal and cultural horizons.
EPROMAT is a private school, located in the city of Matosinhos. It is located in the north of Portugal and in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, on the right side of Douro River.
Land of fishermen and farmers, it remained untouchable from the sixteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century. Salvador de Matosinhos, a Parish of Matosinhos municipality, was the stage of the major urban development of Greater Porto (Grande Porto). A development that was mostly accompanied by the construction of the Port of Leixões and consequent industrial concentration in several areas, such as food, mechanical engineering, construction, shipbuilding, petrochemical, manufacturing and derivatives, preserved fish, bread, edible oil, among others. This approach to the Oporto city and its interconnections, mainly economic, contributed to this progress.
Its connection to the sea, today more important for its commercial Port of Leixões and its beaches than for its fishing is the basis of its structure.
In recent years, a new phase of transformation of the municipality has appeared, with the creation of important infrastructures to support the development of the region. EPROMAT, during this school year 2021/2022, has 17 classes with a total of 300 students, 37 teachers and 15 staff members.
EPROMAT is 29 years of existence as a vocational school. For the past years, the School Board decided to develop a strategy by offering not only vocational courses but also other type of courses adapting to the local and regional educational needs.
In 2021 EPROMAT has achieved the VET Mobility Charter, won the European Language label in the same year with our projet “EPROCRUZEIROS” which aims to receive the tourist giving them information about Oporto and Matosinhos cities at the Cruise Terminal.
Since 2020, EPROMAT is implementing the application for the EQAVET and won the EQAVET – Quality label.
Italy: ITALY for EU
Italy for EU is a European non-profit organization that pursues social solidarity objectives and operates in the fields of training, non-formal education, volunteering, sustainable tourism and youth. We manage and organize projects to stimulate active citizenship, European mobility and youth exchanges; we coordinate different types of professional training courses, we offer a listening desk service for unemployed young people and the reintegration of young people into society. Italy for EU firmly believes in the possibilities offered by European programs, such as Erasmus + and in the cooperation between European partners for the development of ever new educational methods and stimulating knowledge through unique life experiences. The organization’s goal is to promote cultural activities and exchanges in Italy and Europe, favoring non-formal learning and addressing issues that can help tackle the problems of modern society. Italy for EU is made up of a multidisciplinary and multicultural team that promotes interculturality and the values ​​of equality, respect and solidarity. The organization actively participates in the organization of local events related to the spread of a healthy lifestyle; we want to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit in young people, creative thinking and tolerance.
Romania: Liceul Tehnologic Nicolae Balcascu
"Nicolae Balcescu" Technological High School is one of the largest high schools in Calarasi County. It was founded in 1963 as a theoretical high school with two profiles, real and human. Today it is a technological high school with high school level day, theoretical-real and humanistic and technological branch with the following profiles: services / economic and technical, fields: electrical, electronics, automation, mechanics, construction, installations, public works and textile and leather industry, and for short high school level with technical profile and vocational education for 3 years,fields: mechanics, electromechanics, constructions, installations, public works and textile industry and leather. The school has 39 classrooms, 10 specialized laboratories, 3 IT labs with internet connection, 12 practice workshops, a gym and a library. In our high school teaches 1089 students under the guidance of 67 teachers and 8 auxiliary teaching staff. High school students participate in international Erasmus + projects, by strategic partnership, at the learning / teaching / training meetings within the projects, which took place in partner countries: Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Turkey, UK and to be held in the KA2 project, in progress, in Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Hungary and France. Other students participated in mobility in the UK for practical training in marketing or in Spain and Portugal for practical training in the professions of automation and mechanic technician.
Highschool students have also been involved in projects for the past four years in eTwinning platform, we are also an eTwinning label school, with other schools in the European Union. Students from our high school participated in Olympiads and school competitions, county and national phases, at scientific communications.
Highschool students - vocational and technical education, come in proportion of 80% from rural areas, many among them are low-income families, families with parents who have gone abroad to work, 240 students are beneficiaries of the "High School Money" scholarship and professional scholarships.
Greece: Professional European
NGO was established in 2021 by associate students from different universities of Greece in οrder to unite young people of Greece that have a life goal of achieving more than they think.
According to our status we are a non profit youth community which can provide a number of educational services, some kind of training for students, young workers in the sphere of humanities.
Strategy of the organization:
Uniting all the Europeans together by taking part in different European events, activities , festivals and projects, while providing these services with unparalleled easyness and effectiveness.
Object of the organization:
To trame favourable conditions for the development of a creative, energetic young person having active civil position.
Aims of the organization:
To develop the creative potential of the youth
To support youth initiatives in various fields
To create conditions for active involvement of young people both into social, economic and cultural life of the society
Encouragement impulses to self-actualization of a free individual
Popularization of democratic ideas, institutions of a civil society
To develop respect for public, liberal and democratic values
To develop the international youth cooperation, to cooperate with foreign youth organizations
Bulgaria: Walk Together Bulgaria
Association WalkTogether (WT) is created in 2013 to serves as a learning organization that gathers trainers, youth and adult learner, social workers, youth policy makers, experts, and volunteers with different levels of competences to actively be involved in the creation of civic activities with European dimension and with benefits for their local community. The focus of WT is:
To encourage civic participation and active youth involvement in environmental education;
To promote environmental protection strategies at local level;
Fostering international cooperation on environmental issues and animal protection;
Raising Awareness on new European environmental policies and contributing to the European Deal.
Promoting the topic of save resources, reduce energy use and waste, compensate carbon footprint emissions, opt for sustainable food and mobility choices, etc. among younger people;
Raising the awareness about the importance of acting to reduce or compensate for the environmental footprint of mobility activities.
Promoting the 3Rs principle at local level;
Building of knowledge, skills and attitudes on climate change and sustainable development both within the European Union and beyond.
Supporting development of professional networks across Europe in different EU programs.